India Christians Construct New Church Building In The Face Of Great Persecution

A growing congregation of bible-believing Christians are currently constructing a new church building in southern India in the face of great persecution from India’s Hindu government and local Hindu leaders.

Pastor Johnson, a pastor affiliated with NewLife Missions, started holding worship services in 2013 in the village of Sathankulam, which is in the Tirunelveli District in the southern India state of Tamil Nadu. Even in the face of great persecution from India’s Hindu government, Pastor Johnson’s church has grown to 35 dedicated followers of Jesus. 

NewLife Missions is a non-denominational Spirit-filled bible-believing group of churches lead by Pastor T.M. Joseph from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Because this church has outgrown the ability to meet in homes, they have tried to rent buildings in which to hold their weekly services and prayer meetings. But because most Hindus are strongly opposed to Christianity, finding a building to rent has been nearly impossible. Therefore, construction of their own building is the only long-term answer to meet the needs of their growing congregation.

The completed building will hold 100 people for weekly services, as well as provide a modest living space for Pastor Johnson and his family.

Funds for construction have largely come from contributions made through NewLife India Inc.

Please pray for the safety of our Christian brothers and sisters in India and for God’s Kingdom to be advanced, even in the face of hostile persecution.

Mike Manuel

Mike Manuel is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God, a published author, conference speaker, and deliverance minister. Mike and his wife Donna reside in Montana along the beautiful front range of the Rocky Mountains.


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